2014/10/11 MI, communication styles and skills trainings; Assertive, positive, behavioral, and Japanese style, at MINT Forum Atlanta

Presenter: Hiroaki Harai, Rachel Green

MI is a collaborative communication style for strengthening a person’s own motivation and commitment to change. As it is a communication style, its practice and learning usually involves some skill training.
Other communication skills trainings are also practiced widely. Assertiveness training, Parent Effectiveness Training, CRAFT, and Non-violent Communication, to name a few. There are also popular principles such as “I-statement” and IFER (I feel, Explanation, Request). Some languages have unique communication styles. For example, Japanese language rarely uses pronouns, which makes “I-statements” awkward if they are applied as it is. For the purpose to be assertive without putting the listener on the defensive, we have to reframe these principles to accommodate to these characteristics in Japanese communication.

This workshop aims at sharing and appreciating notions of these trainings, and the impact of cultural / conventional differences on communication styles in cultural diversity. At the same time, if MI is truly MI in its spirit, it should be meaningful across communications styles or languages. What is the impact of the specific use of MI-language, particularly reflections (which often start with “You…”) on other languages and cultures?

For example;
If your date is late and you are frustrated with him/her, how do you express your feelings and what is the best way to motivate the other to be on time? What models or styles are the best tools to coach the poor lover for each different culture/language?


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